The 5th Cloud Control Workshop is held on Grand Hotel in Mölle, Sweden, on August 20-22, 2014.
Cloud computing has become the dominant paradigm to fulfill compute and storage needs while hiding the underlying complexity of resource management. However, under the hood, many parameters at both software and hardware level need to be controlled to ensure the reliability, performance, and energy efficiency of cloud applications. Furthermore, workload variability and software heterogeneity make optimal parameter selection complex, which combined with the large scale of clouds call for distributed resource management solutions.
The workshop is aimed to foster multidisciplinary research in Cloud Control, leveraging expertise in areas such as distributed systems, control theory, autonomic computing, systems management, mathematical statistics, energy management, and performance management. By providing an understanding of the research challenges ahead and by enabling multi-disciplinary research collaborations, the ambition is to shape the future of cloud management.
The workshop format will be in the spirit of the 2nd and 3rd Cloud Control Workshops, i.e., mainly be focused on multi-disciplinary research discussions in parallel sessions but also include some scientific presentations on planned, ongoing, or completed research. All participants are encouraged to propose discussion topics on before hand and to take active part in any discussions with the ambition to make progress on any topic of interest to the participants.
(For illustration of a typical workshop program, see the programs for the 2nd and the 3rd edition of this workshop.)
Participation is be based on invitation and we aim for 30-40 people. There will be no workshop proceedings but participants are encouraged to share any material they want to.