The 1st Cloud Control Workshop, February 13-14, 2013
Umeå University, Sweden
The workshop is an open kick-off for the Cloud Control project, funded by a VR framework grant during 2013 – 2016. The workshop is open to project participants and people in the participants’ near vicinity, with whom we see potential for collaborations or other synergies.

The aim of the workshop is three-fold. First and foremost, it aims at making people know each other, professionally and privately, to enhance the potential for future collaborations between project members in Lund and Umeå and between project members and other researchers. Secondly, it aims at knowledge transfer across people’s fields of expertize by crash courses in cloud computing and control theory. Thirdly, it aims at providing the fuel for new multi-disciplinary collaborations through a series of presentations and discussions on on-going research on cloud datacenter management and control theory for computing systems.
Workshop Details
Workshop program
Slides presented (requires wiki login)
Suggested readings (requires wiki login)
Room Triple Helix, Samverkanshuset, Umeå University, Sweden . For directions from Hotel Plaza, see Walking: 2.5 km. Bus: Several buses leaves from downtown. Get off at the University hospital (NUS). Taxi: If shared by four, a taxi is not that much more expensive than the bus.
Program Committee
- Erik Elmroth, Umeå University, Sweden (Workshop Chair)
- Maria Kihl, Lund University, Sweden
- Anders Robertsson, Lund University, Sweden
- Johan Tordsson, Umeå University, Sweden
- Karl-Erik Årzén, Lund University, Sweden
For any questions or suggestions, please contact Erik Elmroth:
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Financial support for the workshop has been received by eSSENCE – The e-science collaboration.